Xu Zhen---General Manager

Personal Profile: He was born in 1964, is a holder of a postgraduate degree and a senior engineer. He served as the deputy manager and manager of the central control room and the deputy director of Anhui Expressway Authority Feidong Management Office, the party’s branch committee member, deputy director, party’s branch secretary general and director of Anhui Expressway Holding Corporation Hefei Management Office, and the director of personnel department of Anhui Expressway Holding Group Company Limited. Mr. Xu was a director, assistant general manager and the director of human resources department of Anhui Expressway Holding Group Company Limited from June 2012 to March 2015. Since 27 March 2015, he has been appointed as the general manager of the Company. Since 20 May 2016, he has been appointed as a Director of the Company. He is concurrently the chairman of Anhui Ningxuanhang Expressway Investment Company Limited.
